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More information
This scholarship is available for individual scholars who are researching om a field of interest to the Foundation, and the outcome of which will be the publication of a monograph. The foundation encourages the publication of an Armenian text of interest preserved in a manuscript and its translation to a modern language. The Foundation does not fund the republication of a book, unless it is a rare and early publication in Armenian or about Armenians. The foundation does not finance the publication of fictions unless it is original and written in Western Armenian, with a moral message that helps building the Armenian community and promoting the Armenian identity. The scholarship grant of up to 5000 is to cover the fees involved in editing and publishing the monograph as a book.
Application Procedure
Fill out the application form (individual)
Proof of pursuing a research that is ready for publication as a book:
a letter by the author explaining the details of the research and its expected outcome, or
a letter from the publisher indicating interest in publishing the monograph,
The title with the outline of the book (chapters, sections, … etc).
The estimated cost of the layout and publishing the book, by the publisher